The HSSC is sponsoring a session at the 112th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association. The meeting will be July 31-August 2, 2019, at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Visit their website for more information.
“Rerouting Southern California Community Entrepreneurship, Investment, and Planning”
Chair and Discussant: Mario Obando
California State University, Fullerton
Community Investment and Relationships: Relational Community Formation in South Central Los Angeles
Abigail Rosas, California State University, Long Beach
Fighting “Evil”: Communities Planning for Environmental Health and Justice on the 105 Century Freeway
Gilbert Estrada, Long Beach City College
The Undocumented History of El Cine Yost and the Power of Place for Mexican Migrants in Orange County, California
David-James Gonzales, Brigham Young University